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File: HDDRIVER.H Harddisk driver stuff
Oct 1988. V1.00 T.H. Schipper
Copyright (c) 1988 - 1991 by Ted Schipper.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
supporting documentation.
This software is provided AS IS with no warranties of any kind. The author
shall have no liability with respect to the infringement of copyrights,
trade secrets or any patents by this file or any part thereof. In no
event will the author be liable for any lost revenue or profits or
other special, indirect and consequential damages.
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
#define OK 0L /* OK status */
#define ERROR -1L /* ERROR status (timeout) */
#define ERRORL -2L /* ERROR status (long timeout) */
#define EWRITF -10 /* GEMDOS write error code */
#define EREADF -11 /* GEMDOS read error code */
#define CRITRETRY 0x00010000L /* RETRY return code */
#define NRETRIES 3 /* number of times to retry -1 */
#define MAX_UNITS 16 /* Max number of drives attached */
#define MAXSECTORS 254 /* Max # sectors for a DMA */
#define MAXRETRIES 1
/* Timing constants */
#define LTIMEOUT 600L /* long-timeout 3 sec */
#define STIMEOUT 20L /* short-timeout 100 msec */
/* RWABS flags */
#define RW_FLAG 0x01 /* flag for read/write */
#define MEDIACH_FLAG 0x02 /* flag for read/write with mediachange */
#define RETRY_FLAG 0x04 /* flag for read/write with retries */
#define PHYSOP_FLAG 0x08 /* flag for physical/logical read/write */
/* ASCI Commands */
#define HD_TDR 0x00 /* Test Drive Ready */
#define HD_RS 0x03 /* Request Sense */
#define HD_FD 0x04 /* Format Drive */
#define HD_READ 0x08 /* Read */
#define HD_WRITE 0x0A /* Write */
#define HD_SEEK 0x0B /* Seek */
#define HD_MSEL 0x15 /* Mode Select */
typedef long (*func)(); /* pointer to function returning a long */
/* Logical Drive Info */
struct hd_drv {
short dev_addr; /* physical unit ASCI address */
long part_start; /* start sector logical unit */
} ;
/* Availible functions in the HD_XXXXX.C modules */
/* HD_FRONT.C */
long hbpb(); /* Return pointer to BPB of device */
long hrw(); /* Read/write of a device */
long hmediach(); /* Check if media has changed */
short check_dev(); /* Check if device belongs to this driver */
/* HD_MED.C */
long sasi_init(); /* Initialize SASI device */
long sasi_bpb(); /* Return pointer to device BPB */
long sasi_rw(); /* Read/write harddisk device sectors */
void smove(); /* Copy sectors arround in memory */
long do_rw(); /* Read/write no more than 254 sectors */
long sasi_mediach(); /* Check if harddisk media has changed */
/* HD_LOW.C */
long hwrite(); /* Write to physical sectors on hard disk */
long hread(); /* Read physical sectors from hard disk */
long endcmd(); /* Wait for end of ASCI command and get status */
long setss(); /* Set ASCI drive, sector # and number of sectors */
long hdone(); /* Restore DMA device to normal */
void setdma(); /* Setup DMA base (transfer) address */
long qdone(); /* Wait for command byte handshake */
long fdone(); /* Wait for operation done handshake */
long wait_dma_cmpl(); /* Wait for DMA interrupt with timeout */
/* HD_INST.C */
void exec_res(); /* Execute memory resident programs */
void exec_auto_prg(); /* Start auto-folder execute process */
void auto_prg(); /* Auto-folder search and execute program */
short pool_install(); /* Extend the OS pool buffer */
int i_sasi1(); /* Normal entry point */
long pread(); /* Read physical sectors from harddisk with retries */
void ppu(); /* Partition physical unit */
short nxtdrv(); /* Set TOS logical drive, check next one */
long getbpb(); /* Build a BPB block for a partition */
short getlhw(); /* Swop short from INTEL to Motorola format */
/* HD_EXTRA.C */
long wd_format(); /* Format hard disk */
long wd_msel(); /* Mode select. Specify drive format parameters */
long dosahxc(); /* Send an ASCI command with timeout */
long send_cmd(); /* Send an ASCI command with timeout */
long req_sense(); /* Request sense. Return Status Error Code */